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/ Freelog 100 / FreelogNo100-NovembreDecembre2010.iso / Systeme / LaunchBarCommander / LaunchBarCommanderSetup.exe / Shortcuts / My Control Panel

Other Files (30)
Accessibility Options.lnk Windows Shortcut 254b 2007-02-01
Add Hardware.lnk Windows Shortcut 216b 2007-02-01
Add or Remove Programs.lnk Windows Shortcut 241b 2007-02-01
Administrative Tools.lnk Windows Shortcut 545b 2007-02-01
Automatic Updates.lnk Windows Shortcut 244b 2007-02-01
Date and Time.lnk Windows Shortcut 236b 2007-02-01
Display.lnk Windows Shortcut 293b 2007-02-01
Folder Options.lnk Windows Shortcut 154b 2007-02-01
Fonts.lnk Windows Shortcut 365b 2007-02-01
Game Controllers.lnk Windows Shortcut 265b 2007-02-01
Internet Options.lnk Windows Shortcut 242b 2007-02-01
Keyboard.lnk Windows Shortcut 269b 2007-02-01
Mouse.lnk Windows Shortcut 290b 2007-02-01
Network Connections.lnk Windows Shortcut 154b 2007-02-01
Network Setup Wizard.lnk Windows Shortcut 222b 2007-02-01
Phone and Modem Options.lnk Windows Shortcut 252b 2007-02-01
Portable Media Devices.lnk Windows Shortcut 154b 2007-02-01
Power Options.lnk Windows Shortcut 235b 2007-02-01
Printers and Faxes.lnk Windows Shortcut 154b 2007-02-01
Regional and Language Options.lnk Windows Shortcut 271b 2007-02-01
Scanners and Cameras.lnk Windows Shortcut 154b 2007-02-01
Scheduled Tasks.lnk Windows Shortcut 154b 2007-02-01
Security Center.lnk Windows Shortcut 246b 2007-02-01
Sounds and Audio Devices.lnk Windows Shortcut 301b 2007-02-01
Speech.lnk Windows Shortcut 284b 2007-02-01
System.lnk Windows Shortcut 287b 2007-02-01
Taskbar and Start Menu.lnk Windows Shortcut 154b 2007-02-01
User Accounts.lnk Windows Shortcut 261b 2007-02-01
Windows Firewall.lnk Windows Shortcut 217b 2007-02-01
Wireless Network Setup Wizard.lnk Windows Shortcut 259b 2007-02-01